Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Weight Loss

The day was August 7, 2014 when my doctor told me the harsh truth. If I was to keep living the way I was, obese, high sugar, high blood pressure and cholesteral I would end up in a diabetic coma before my sixtieth birthday. He also said it was curable or controllable. On that day I weighed in at about 250 pounds. I had a cholesteral count of 215, which he didn't give me medicine for but anticipated that he would introduce it at a later date because he didn't want to shock my system with too many meds and he was putting me on a blood pressure pill, a pill to reduce sugar, and a thyroid pill. This was to be introduced to a guy who only took an occasional ibuprofen and a more than occasional fat pill better known as Krispy Kreme. He also stabbed me in my proverbial heart when he "suggested" that I give up a few things in my diet. Those things happened to be my staples; bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereal and of course my fat pills.

I was to see him again in three weeks and then three months for new labs. In three weeks I had followed doc's advice and cut my diet drastically and cut off almost fifteen pounds. In three months I had gone from about 250 to 209 pounds and all of my levels had decreased as my cholesteral went down to 188 by just diet and exercise. So no new meds for me and I thought doc was going to faint when he compared the two sets of results. How did I do it? I went on what I call a "caveman" diet. I eat meat, eggs, fruits, cheese, and some vegetables. I do NOT eat any of the "suggested" things doc wanted me to cut. However, I also walk 30-45 minutes a day five days a week. Do I cheat? yes BUT I find myself when I do eat a cookie I can stop at just one small one. This is important around the holidays. I recently weighed in at under 205 for the first time since high school and doc and I thought I need to get down to 215 so I feel I can cheat just a little.

It does get tough when I go out to eat or whenever I am at home. With three children and a wife who do not need to lose weight like me the low carb thing is distracting yet I survive. Last night my wife made smoked sausage with sourkraut and mashed potatoes, I had to skip the potatoes, but I did get extra meat :) Whenever I order my meal out I am usually looked at like I have two heads when I tell them to hold the potatoes or replace it with another side of green beans or asparugus (which is actually not bad if grilled).

As this entry comes to a close I am going upatairs to fix my wife a cup of coffee and then go to the local mall and get my 45 minutes in.

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